Friday, August 14, 2009

Small Business Technology Transfer Program (NSF)

NSF announces the availability of funding for the Small Business Technology Transfer Program in which small business and universities collaborate to stimulate technological innovation in the private sector by strengthening the role of small business concerns in meeting Federal research and development needs.

Amount: $140,000

Due: November 17, 2009

The Small Business Technology Transfer Program (STTR) requires researchers at universities to play a significant intellectual role in the conduct of each STTR project. These university-based researchers, by joining forces with a small company, can spin-off their commercially promising ideas while they remain primarily employed at the research institution. The primary employment of the Principal Investigator (PI) must be with the small business concern at the time of the award. A PI must spend a minimum of two calendar months on an STTR Phase I project.

For more information, click here.